is it bad that i help my or peel the shedding skin off my dragon?? and i've noticed that my dragon hasn't been eating but she's not getting thinner or lazier what could this mean?? could not eating just be stressed from moving new homes? my cousin had her in a nice inclosure with a male beardy but she started to attack him alot soo she gave her to me she seems home sick what can i do?? SOME ONE HELP PLEASE! i'm giving her dark greens and crickets i give her calcium every day and fruits. sooo i now she has the rite diet help??
My bearded dragon??
You really shouldn't be peeling the skin off of them. It will come off naturally. There's nothing wrong with easing a piece off that's hanging by a thread when you give them a bath every once in awhile (the water helps loosen it up) but shedding their skin is a natural process and they have ways of working it off themselves. As far as not eating - there could be numerous reasons. Ours slowed down a bit as he got older and eats only every few days. He also picky - and lazy. He doesn't like chasing the crickets around so we switched to mealworms and he eats those up. He prefers those to veggies any day. But he's picky about his veggies too. He likes kale the best.
They can get stressed. It may take awhile for her to get used to it. Check her basking temps - if they're not right it can take longer for her to digest the food, making her hungry less often. She needs around 95-105 degrees in one area. Also, how old is the dragon and how big is the enclosure? If she's reached adult age, she needs a minimum of 55 gall
Overall, I'd say try a few changes and see if those works.
Reply:Don't freak out. You might want to consider letting the lizard peel itself to strengthen itself. You might want to try this for a diet. Having a bearded dragon for 5 years I've grown to know that lettuce, dried crickets and vitamins from Petco always helps my lizard to eat it. You might want to take your dragon out of its cage and hold it on your arm or let it run around a fenced off area to let it roam free. You can talk to it in front of its cage to let it get to know you better so it will act more normal.
Reply:How long have you had her? Has she been doing any digging recently? There is a chance she could be gravid (pregnant, full of eggs) If she has been in with a male, it is very likely. It will explain her not eatting. She probably started attacking the male because she is gravid and he continued to try to breed with her. If she is, you will be able to feel what feels like little marbles in her belly when she crawls through your hands. Don't try to squeeze her belly to feel the eggs or you could cause one to rupture and cause an infection. She will become really restless and start to dig all over the place. Give her a container with dirt and let her go.
It could also be stress, but if everythings is set up right, the stress should be gone within a couple days.
DO NOT peel the skin, If peeled before it is ready, you can cause her to get sores because the new skin is not ready yet underneath.
Reply:you really shouldnt peel off the skin becuz they need to learn and know that they can do it by them self. (basicly self confidence) or get a water bottle and spray them that helps get the skin off. but from wat you have said his diet sounds GREAT better than most lizards get, so from wat i hear you are a great owner but he just might be a little lathergic from moving homes i wuldn ot worry about it unless hr goes for weeks without eating then bring him to a vat
Reply:Okay helping the lizard is okay but usually if you let it alone, the lizard's skin comes off on a good pace and they feel more protected about themselves. If you peel it off they feel vulnerable.
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