Monday, November 16, 2009

Should I peel off the skin off my bearded dragon's head?

it looks like a big flared thing around his neck and it looks uncomcortable. If i shouldnt how long will it take for it to fall off and he just got it this noon.

Should I peel off the skin off my bearded dragon's head?
No. Do NOT manually peel him!! You can peel off too much and you'll end up injuring him. It hasn't fallen off for a reason, it's still attached to living skin. What you can do, though, is mist him and his environment with luke warm water and this will help him shed properly. It sounds like if he's flaking like this, you need to increase his humidity in general. Maybe by about 3-5% should do the trick. Do you have a gyrometer to measure the humidity in his cage? If you don't then get one, they're not expensive. Same price as a thermometer. As for how long it'll take for his old skin to fall off, considering he's having issues, it could take two days, it could take a week... It all depends. He might find some thing in his cage to rub on that'll help him shed and that will quicken the process. Whatever you do, do not pick at him. It's like a healing tattoo... You never pick at it when it's peeling, you'll only cause more damage.
Reply:no- it'll come off by itself.
Reply:no absolutely not. it is better if it comes of by itself if it needs to
Reply:I believe that your bearded dragon is sheding. If it stays on I would go to a pet retailor and ask, because they will tottaly know. Hope I was able to help and good luck. Keep loving your pet!
Reply:give him a bath it will loosen the detached skin and allow it to fall off on its own. the only areas you really need to help and this is if its a problem is around the toes and under his chin. but before you peel. wash the area with a washcloth during his bathing time which should occure 2-3 times weekly and try to allow it to come off naturaly.
Reply:its ok, it will come off when it is suppost to, you dont want to pull it off. i promise you it is not harming him, and if he found it uncomfortable he will get it off him self. it should be off by tommarow.
Reply:Normally you should let your dragon peel on his/her own. However if it looks as though it is having difficulty you can very carefully remove the flaking skin. My dragon has some places he needs help. Just always carefully peel in the direction of the scales...never "against the grain" as it were.
Reply:do not peal the skin,let it fall off ,it should come off in 5 or 6 days.
Reply:no it will come off soon. to help it come off, put him in the tub with luke warm water. the water will loosen up the skin and help it come off easier. i have 2 of them and they get a bath every other day and doing this will help keep him clean as well. putting them in water will also help them go potty. don't pull the skin if it feels tight, but if it comes off easily then you can take it off if he will let you. good luck
Reply:i would leave it to him, maybe take it off in another day (if he doesnt get at it) but he will want to gte it off himself, maybe that prticular peice isnt ready to come off yet. if there are logs and rocks on his home it willl be off soon!

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