Saturday, April 24, 2010

Please rate my team in pokemon leafgreen im going to the elite four?

Dragonair LV. 41 Moves: Double Edge, Surf, Slam, Dragon Rage Ability: Shed Skin

Zapdos LV. 52 Moves Steel Wing, Fly, Detect, Drill peck Ability: Pressure

Flareon LV.40 Moves Bite, Return, Mimic, Fire Blast Ability: Flash Fire

Blastoise LV.55 Moves Hydro Cannon, Bite, Strength, Skull Bash Ability: Torrent

I am open for sugestions tell me what moves pokemon anything I need I just want to get the Elite Four overwith

Please rate my team in pokemon leafgreen im going to the elite four?
Well you could replace the flareon with a moltres.And you have to level all your pokemon up to low 50's or high 60's or you might not be able to win.You should get rid of double-edge from dragonair and teach it ice beam or some ice move to get rid of lance's dragons.Rmb to evolve dragonair 1st.Get rid of strenght from blastoise and teach it surf or blizzard.Teach zapdos thunder to get rid of dewgon,lapras,gyarados and stuff like that.Get a gengar that knows dream eater,hypnosis,thunder and shadow ball to get rid of agatha.To slaughter lorelei keep use zapdos and moltres.For bruce use blastoise for the onix's and zapdos for machamp and machoke.Gengar gets rid of agatha.Murder lance with blastoise and dragonair after they have learnt ice moves.You should have no problem slaughtering Gary after healing all your pokemon before you fight him so remeber to buy potions,full heals and revives.
Reply:man thats some nerdy stuff u got goin on there
Reply:I'd add a Psychic type, Probally a Alazkazam
Reply:i dont think you'll beat em with them.

If you evolve your dragonair you would.

Also i would add a psychic type or one like it. Such as Alakazam (moveset psychic calm mind shock wave etc.) or Gengar. (moveset psychic hynosis dream eater etc.)

and for the other gap i would put in a grass type such as vileplume (moveset petal dance sleep powder poisonpowder and any other move)

You need them on the high 50s or low 60s so train them.

Good luck!

Hope i helped.
Reply:I would either level each of those pokemon up to at least level 60-65 or use 6 pokemon that are all at least level 50-55.

Any pokemon under level 50 will be easily defeated by the Elite 4.

I would also definately evolve your Dragonair into Dragonite.

Make sure that you have A LOT of healing items and revives. If you can afford some items that restore PP then it helps to buy some of those as well.

Teach Flareon Flamethrower in place of Return.

Teach Zapdos Thunder and Thunderbolt in place of Detect and Drill Peck.

Well, that is all that I can think of. I hope I helped!
Reply:3 out of 5, not only a psyich would help, but you need a someone that can take a good hit no matter what the move is, i would say a golem would fix that, exremly high specail def, and def, fair attack (good moves can make up the difference by far), fair speical attack, in leaf green and fire red, and even the more current games, if you get Golem soon enough, Golem is by far your best defensive and offsive pokemon. tested and proven, lowest stat i had for Golem in leaf green at lvl 99 was about 300 that was attack, and both defensive scores when up to 500, so its what you call your meat sheild

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