Monday, November 16, 2009

Bearded dragon shedding?

I've had a bearded dragon for almost 4 years now. She used to shed a lot, but now it is down to 1-2 times a year, typically around the face or at the end of the tail. I've always noticed a little skin coming up around the eyes, but this time it's different. It's in more pices, and it sticks up more. It bothers her, and she is often scratching and rubbing her face up aganst something to get it off. I feel bad for her, so is there any way to help her get it off? I spritzed her with her misting bottle, but I don't know if that helped. I know you should give them a warm bath to loosen up skin, but since it's on her face I don't know what to do! Help!

Bearded dragon shedding?
they shed less often when they grow up.

I don't know about lizzards, but when snakes have trouble shedding you give them a lukewarm bath. Get some slightly warm water from the faucet in a plastic tub. put her in the water. Let her stay there for a while. if she poops, don't worry, that's normal for bathing reptiles to do, but don't let her sit in it. The dried skin will soften and come off more easily. Again, not sure about lizzards, but my snake has never had any shed problems with this procedure done during the shed process.
Reply:A nice warm bath is important at least once a week to maintain hydration. It's especially important more often when they are shedding. Shedding problems are usually due to too low humidity with reptiles. Give her a nice soak once a day for about 10 minutes, and you can gently pour some water on her head as well. I use a Rubbermaid storage container to bathe mine in! He's not thrilled with it, but I know it's good for him. Many dragons actually love to swim when given the chance! Also, check her enclosure temps, age of UVB bulb, and have a fecal checked for parasite burden if not done within the last 6 months.
Reply:as they get bigger they shed less ....but you should mist them once or twice a week they can drink water ........bearded dragons dont drink water from a bowl!!!!

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