Friday, November 20, 2009

Bearded Dragon Shedding?

I was feeding my baby beardie (only about 4 inches long from head to tail) And I saw papery skin peeling off on his head. A few hours later it reached his neck. Is this shedding? I'm a worried that it's some sickness.

Bearded Dragon Shedding?
He is shedding and it's completely normal! He will be going through this a lot at it's small size.

Shedding is very uncomfortable for any lizard, gently mist him with water to loosen up the old skin for it. As he gets older and bigger, you can try giving him some luke warm baths, which also helps for hydrating it.
Reply:Yep! He is shedding. Mine loves to rub back, and forth against things in his tank when I spray him.

He needs moisture, so either mist his tank more often or provide a moist hide for him. Mine looks so funny under the drops of water when he sheds!
Reply:Yes, very normal. Here is some good info to check into! :)
Reply:I have a two year old beardie. And yes that shedding is normal. Mine does it too. That just means that they are growing and gettin bigger, and need new skin to cover their new sized body. Nothing bad, no worries.
Reply:Definitely shedding, put some rough rocks/wood in the enclosure to help with shedding,


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