Monday, November 16, 2009

My bearded dragon has green, flaky skin, what is wrong?

She is a little over 6 yrs old, she has not pooped in about 3 days, and her skin is green and looks to be dry and falling off. She had been sitting in her water bowl for 3 days asleep and she would not hardly open her eyes, but now she is going crazy and running around everywhere, i have never seen her do this before. She has still been eating, but she is not pooping. I have been trying to find a vet that knows what is wrong but i cannot find one that knows about Beardies. Like i said earlyer her skin is green, but it is also a little black and it looks flaky. I dont know what is wrong.

My bearded dragon has green, flaky skin, what is wrong?
Is she on sand? Calcium sand, to be exact?

If she is, remove it IMMEDIATELY. This sand is deadly, and when it is ingested, it blocks up the intestine. This is called an impaction and it is the leading cause of death in many domesticated reptiles. If the sand is coloured, this could be causing the discolouration of her scales. Replace the sand with paper towels for the time being. It can later be replaced with something that looks nicer like reptile carpet or shelf liner.

If you have a reptile vet, or someone who specializes with herps/avian/exotic animals, contact them as soon as you can to make an appointment to get her checked on.

To get her to poop, give her a warm bath (water shouldn't be above shoulders) and gently rub her belly. It also seems like she may be going through a rough shed, this bath will help with that. It'll loosen up the scales, making them come off with more ease.

Also, what are you feeding her? She should only be eating crickets, silkworms, and salad (maybe even superworms). If you are offering her mealies, stop doing so. They also have been known to cause impactions because of their hard outer shell, and they are very low in nutrition.

If you could provide more details about what you're feeding and her setup, that would be great and I may be able to help you further.

What is her length, snout to tail?

What is her basking temperature?

Do you have a UV source? How old is it and how close can she get to it?

What are you feeding? Are they dusted with a calcium supplement? If so, what brand?
Reply:Some thing similar happened to my iguana. His skin got all flaky and then it got more flaky and then he turned yellow and died. I got another iguana and after several months his skin also got flaky and he turned yellow and died. Then I got another iguana and his skin also started turning flaky. I gave him to my brother. My brother says that the iguana turned yellow and died.

Basically, if he turns yellow, there's nothing you can do but get ready to give away that heat lamp.

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